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We did it! With your help, the CPNP Foundation collected $41,441 in 2018, surpassing our $40,000 goal. Thank you to everyone who contributed over the past year.

Money that is donated to the CPNP Foundation is used to assist with the Foundation’s core initiatives, including student scholarships to attend the CPNP annual meeting and Defining the Future research grants as well as public campaigns surrounding issues in mental health. Foundation activities bring the Foundation one step closer to our mission to enhance the capacity of pharmacy professionals to ensure effective and compassionate treatment of individuals with mental disorders. 

Thank you again to everyone who helped us monetarily and to those who helped us spread  stigmafree message we communicated in 2018. Your support is very much appreciated, and we hope that you will continue to support the CPNP Foundation in 2019 and beyond.

2018 Donors

Acholonu, Wilfred W Gross, Amy C. Oliveira, Rosana C
Alastanos, Jennifer N Gummersheimer, Adam D Ott, Carol A.
Alipour, Azita Gutierrez, Cindy A. Ouranos, Haleh
Allison, Kristen Hahn, Susan M. Overman, Gerald P.
Anderson, Keith D. Haight, Robert J. Palmer, Emma C
Ansara, Elayne D. Hall, Colleen P Park, Susie H.
Argo, Tami R Hamill, Mary Lou Patel, Seema
Babb, Sarah Hansen, Karen P. Paxos, Chris
Bacon, Opal Hawley, Joanne M. Peters, Lindsey
Bailey, LaGenia Heesch, Chelsie B Pierron, Andy
Ballew, Angel L. Hieber, Robin N Plon, Harold L
Bean, Jennifer Hoeft, Dawn M Price, Paul L.
Binns, Lindsey N Holcomb, Kesoma Putney, Jessica M
Bishop, Kristen L Holland, Joshua Reinstein, Vera F
Boggie, Danielle Hommerding, Sarah A. Rey, Jose A.
Bonanno, Christina M Hvizdos, Andrew J Richards, Ann L.
Bostwick, Jolene R. Iny, Lillian Rickles, Nate
Boyle, Julia S Jackens, Douglas H Roestenburg, Sadie
Bozymski, Kevin Jackson, Marie-Therese Ross, Clint A
Brown, Matthew Jenne, Victoria J Ryan, Emily J
Brunet, Nicole Johnson, Eric Saklad, Stephen R
Burghart, Steven M Johnson & Johnson Saldana, Shannon N
Byrne, Erin L Johnson, Stephanie Sanderson, Melanie
Caballero, Joshua Jones, Rebecca L. Sarashinsky, Megan M.
Caley, Charles F. Juarez (nee Case), Kristin BIlane Scarpa, Jose
Callahan, Gayle Kahlon, Christie H Schimenti, Brenda K
Campbell, Austin R Kasper, William Schlesinger, Erica B
Cardoni, Alex A. Kauer, Jill Schneiderhan, Mark E.
Carr, Chelsea N Kelly, Deanna L. Shadwick, Charese
Caruana, Stephen S King, Joshua G Silvia, Richard J
Cates, Marshall E. Kirkwood, Cynthia K. Small, Danielle C
Caudill, Christopher J Kissack, Julie C. Smigiel, Joseph
Cauffield, Jacintha S Knox, Erin D. Smith, Allison M
Charlestham, David Koller, Katherine L Smith, Tawny L.
Chavez, Benjamin Kurilla, Susan Sommi, Roger W.
Chen, Ivory Lacro, Jonathan P. Soukkala, Amber N
Chen, Jack J. Lakey, Susan L. Springborn, Paul W.
Christensen, Hannah Laskey, Corey S St-Yves, Jean
Cobb, Carla D. Lee, Kelly C. Stark, Nichole M
Cohen, Lawrence J. Levin, Gary M. Stearns, Tyler
Cole, Miranda L Li, Chengqing Stimmel, Glen L.
Crismon, M. Lynn Lister, Jonathan F Stoa, Morgan K
Crouse, Ericka L. Lizer, Mitsi H. Stolz, Patrick A
Crow, Sharon M Lopez, Alicia Stoner, Steven C.
Cullen, Marissa Lott, Rex S. Straley, Craig
Cung, Dinh D. Love, Raymond C Straw, Kristyn
Curtis, Judy L. Lubben, Gary Stutesman, Kayla M
Daniel, Jeremy Maas, Mark S Stutzman, Danielle L
Darling, Diane Makela, Gene H. Sung, Hyojin
Davis, Cassandra Malhotra, Jodie V. Susa, Brandon
Denio, David P Markowitz, John S. Sykuta, Alyssa
Digatono, Amie Jo Marsh, Samantha M Taber, Elizabeth J
DiPaula, Bethany Marz, Karla Tacelosky, Mark
Dopheide, Julie A. Mathys, Monica Tallian, Kimberly B
Dorson, Peter G. McCoy, Lindsay Thedford, Sheryl
Douglass, Amber R McGuire, Michael Thomas, Christopher
Drezen, Warren I McGurran, Maren Thomas, Michele D
Drogemuller, Lisa H. McKee, Jerry R. Thompson, Laura J
Dugan, Sara E. McNamara, Lucy D Thompson, Susan C
Dulac, Rosemary Medlock, Kristen Tillery, Erika E.
Dutton, Traci M. Melton, Sarah T. Titus-Lay, Erika
Eapen, Neena Mican, Lisa M. Tomko, John R
Edelen, Cynthia A Mitchell, Melissa Trott, Jayme
Ehret, Megan J. Modi, Manisha Trout, Megan G
Elsobky, Teresa M Moeller, Karen E. Vadipour, Omeid
Ereshefsky, Larry Montgomery, Jamie L. VandenBerg, Amy M.
Farkas, Christine E. Mulder, Ruth A Vento-Correa, Maria M
Finocchio, Brittany Mulhollan, Jessica L Vertrees, Julia E.
Fischer, Matthew G Mullen, Sandra Vickery, P. Brittany
Foreman, Megan M Murphy, Heather C. Wagner, Kaja
Formella, Andrea E. Nagy, Kristen Walter, Andrea
Fowler, Joan B Najarian, Dean M. Wehring, Heidi J.
Franson, Kari L. Nassar, Nader Weisser, Lisa K
Fuller, Matthew A. Nelson, Brett H Wells, Barbara G.
Furmaga, Kevin M. Nelson, Jennifer L. Werremeyer, Amy
Gardner, Kristen N Nelson, Leigh Anne Wilkinson, Patricia A.
Garfield, Paul F Nemire, Ruth E Willborn, Robert J
Geier, Michelle L Ng, ShuYing Williams, Kelly E
Goldsborough, Sarah Nguyen, Victor Winistoerfer, Niccole M
Goldstone, Lisa W Norberte, Cherisse Winterswyk, Andrea
Gonzalez, Misty L Norman, Sarah Woodard, Todd J
Goren, Jessica L. Nuck, Emilie Wright, Clinton W.
Gower, Jeffrey W Okafor, Ijeoma C Zwack, Andrew
Grady, Sarah E.    





















































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